Monday, April 14, 2014

Radio Show

Hello Everyone and this is the Sports Radio show with your best sports commentary! As you may know, you're here with your host, Patrick Leiphart! We have a very special show tonight with many famous athletes talking and answering questions. First up on the show we have the amazing baseball player, Babe Ruth!

P: So Babe, what's it like being a super star?
B: You know Mr. Leiphart, it's awesome and I love the fans. They are all welcoming and superb and I couldn't ask for anything better!
P: I got another question for ya... How did you get brought up into Baseball?
B: Well you see, I was one of the lucky ones to survive infancy in my family. The only other one that did was my sister. I was living with my parents until I was sent to Mary's Industrial School for Boys when I was six. I would play baseball there and probably played 200 games a summer. I was very good at it and became the star pitcher and hitter. When I was old enough to leave, I signed with the Orioles and played ball for 'em. And from there, I just did what I do best.
P: Wow what an amazing story! I'm astonished! Well I'm glad to have you on the show! Good luck in your career.
B: Thank you very much for having me!

P: Next we have Bobby Jones on the show! Hey Bobby!
B: Hey Mr. Leiphart, Thank you for having me!
P: Of course! So let me ask you a couple questions for our great audience here. What  influenced you to get into golf?
B: Well I was battling some health issues as a child and so I was prescribed to play golf to make me stronger. I immediately loved the game. I won my first child's tournament when I was 6 and continued to get better from there!
P: Wow interesting! I have also heard that not only are you a great golfer, but a great sport!
B: I mean I like to keep the game fair and keep cheatin' out of it. Golf is a wonderful game, no need to ruin it.
P: I understand that you hit a ball wrong when hitting onto the green and called a penalty on yourself?
B: Yes that is true, like I said before, I want to keep things fair.
P: Well thanks Bobby, thank you for coming on the show!

P: Next we have what some say, "the greatest athlete of the world!" Jim Thorpe!
J: Hello there Mr. Leiphart.
P: Hi there, so Jim, what's its like being a Native American athlete?
J: Well you know, Native Americans haven't been treated quite fairly as others but I would say what was more difficult was my childhood. My mom died of birth complications and I argued with my dad a lot. I would run away from school and such until I got into sports.
P: I hear you do many sports like baseball, football, lacrosse, track, and even ballroom dancing! What would you say your favorite is?
J: I love all of them but football is my passion. I play so many positions and it's a good 'ol time when I'm on the field!
P: Well thanks Jim and hope to see you out on the field for who knows what next!
J: Thank you Mr. Leiphart

P: the last guest we have on our show is Jack Dempsey! Hey Jack!
J: Hello Mr. Leiphart
P: I was watching your championship fight and man, you really beat the crap out of that guy! There is a lot of speculation that you had "loaded gloves". What do you think about all the controversy?
J: Well, believe what you believe, but I am saying that I am the champion and I won that fight, no doubt about it. If you think I was wearing "loaded gloves" then think that, but ask my trainer or anybody, I just had my taped hands and regular boxing gloves.
P: Now I hear you have another fight coming up to defend your title against your opponent, Billy Miske. How are you preparing for that fight?
J: I'm working as hard as I can, eating well, and training hard. Nothing can hold me back for this fight!
P: Well thanks Jack! Can't wait for that fight! And that concludes  our show tonight! See you next week! Good Night!

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