Thursday, May 1, 2014

Earth Day Blog Assignment

Part 1:

   In this film about the environment and how we are killing our world, people create groups and fight against pollution and the harmful effects they have on our world. The Sierra Club fought against dam building in canyons and persuaded the government to stop building for some dams. There was also a leakage of chemicals in a river that was bordered by a neighborhood. After some time,  kids were beginning to develop birth defects due to the chemicals. The mom's of these children took it to the White House and demanded for the chemicals to be removed. Another situation was whale hunting which some environmentalists took it upon themselves to go into the ocean and stop these whale hunters by themselves. After saving many whales, whale hunting became illegal and these same people that set out to stop it in the beginning are still out there today. There was also a conflict with locals of the Amazon and the South American gov. due to the fact that they were taking down the forest and killing local wildlife. With 40% of the Amazon land staying safe, the group's leader was killed which inspired many people to keep fighting the gov. and do what they thought was right.

Part 2:

   Carbon Dioxide is the main greenhouse gas that humans produce. It comes from man made things like plans, cars, power plants, etc. It traps heat in from the sun, making Earth warmer and increasing global warming. Another greenhouse gas is Methane, which comes from livestock and it deteriorates Earth's ozone layer. Sulfur Dioxide is the smog you see in big cities. But this gas isn't as bad as you think it is. Sulfur dioxide reflects sunlight, so it sends it back out into space. Big companies are trying to cut down on Sulfur Dioxide but is resulting to be worse for the Earth. As this gas is reduced, more sunlight/heat hits the Earth, making this planet warmer. Sulfur Dioxide was actually a natural coolant produced by volcanoes. But now it is produced by humans. Some ways people are starting to help lower greenhouse gases is carpooling, riding bikes, recycling, and finding more ways to produce energy in a safer way than burning up fossil fuels like solar panels. Companies are also taxing or raising prices on things such as gas to force people to stop using up the material and find different ways to get around.
